Media releases, infographics and published articles
Media Releases
World’s largest mouse eradication project launched
The ‘Mouse-Free Marion’ Project will save the iconic Wandering Albatross and other seabirds, with support of new Patron, His Royal Highness The Duke of Edinburgh
The Mouse-Free Marion Project Announces its first Patron
The Mouse-Free Marion Project is pleased to announce its first Patron. He is Peter Harrison MBE, author and illustrator of seabird identification guides.
Infographics of the seabirds breeding at Marion Island and the Mouse-Free Marion Project
Why is the Light-Mantled Albatross Endangered?
The Light-Mantled Albatross infographic is the most recent infographic co-published with the Agreement on the Conservation of Albatrosses and Petrels (ACAP). Read more here.
The infographic can be downloaded in two poster sizes from the ACAP Website
Why is the Sooty Albatross Endangered?
The Sooty Albatross Infographic was produced in support of World Albatross Day on 19 June 2022 and its theme of Climate Change. The infographic has been co-published with the Agreement on the Conservation of Albatrosses and Petrels (ACAP). Read more here.
The infographic can be downloaded in two poster sizes from the ACAP Website
Why is the Wandering Albatross Endangered?
An infographic depicting the globally Vulnerable Wandering Albatross Diomedea exulans has been produced to celebrate the second ever World Albatross Day on Saturday 19 June 2021. The infographic has been co-published with the Agreement on the Conservation of Albatrosses and Petrels (ACAP). Read more here
The infographic can be downloaded in two poster sizes from the ACAP Website
Why is the Grey-Headed Albatross Endangered?
An infographic depicting the globally Endangered Grey-Headed Albatross Thalassarche chrysostoma. The infographic has been co-published by the Agreement on the Conservation of Albatrosses and Petrels (ACAP) and the Australian Government.
The infographic can be downloaded in poster sizes from the ACAP Website
Articles and Reports
Island Eradications Of Introduced Predators Can Be Game Changing, Providing The Planning Is Done Correctly.
Article by Mouse-Free Marion Operations Manager, Keith Springer, published in the August 2022 issue of Bokmakierie, the newsletter of the Witwatersrand Bird Club.
Against the odds. – BirdLife Magazine Jan-Mar 2022
Far out to sea between South Africa and Antarctica, and ravaged almost incessantly by the ‘roaring forties’ winds, the bleakly beautiful oceanic outposts of Marion and Prince Edward Islands are home to a huge wealth of seabirds and marine mammals.
Occasional report: Eradication of House Mice Mus musculus from Marion Island: a review of feasibility, constraints and risks
For more information on the project, please view the BirdLife South Africa occasional report titled: ‘Eradication of House Mice Mus musculus from Marion Island: a review of feasibility, constraints and risks‘
A review of the impacts of the House Mouse Mus musculus on sub-Antarctic Marion Island, Prince Edward Islands.
Angel, A. & Cooper, J. 2011. Review of the Impacts of the House Mouse Mus musculus on sub-Antarctic Marion Island, Prince Edward Islands. Report to the Prince Edward Islands Management Committee, South African National Antarctic Programme. Rondebosch: CORE Initiatives. 57 pp.
The impact of feral House Mice at sub-Antarctic Marion Island and the desirability of eradication: Report on a workshop held at the University of Pretoria, 16-17 February 1995
Chown, S.L. & Cooper, J. 1995. The impact of feral House Mice at sub-Antarctic Marion Island and the desirability of eradication: Report on a workshop held at the University of Pretoria, 16-17 February 1995. Directorate: Antarctica & Islands, Department of Environmental Affairs and Tourism, Pretoria