Be a part of history and help save Marion Island’s seabirds – Sponsor one or more Hectares. 

Follow the prompts below and indicate how many Hectare you would like to sponsor. 

  • Make an online donation today to Mouse-Free Marion to rid Marion Island of mice and restore this critical seabird habitat. Mouse Free Marion is a registered Public Benefit Organisation (No. 2020/922433/08) and is authorised to issue 18A tax certificates where applicable. In South Africa, to receive an 18A tax certificate for your donation, please email your proof of payment, along with your full name and address, to Please consider limiting requests for tax certificates to donations of R500 or more. Gifts of Appreciated Securities For wire instructions or to donate gifts of appreciated stocks or securities, please contact Corporations interested in supporting the Mouse-Free Marion project Please email  for more information.
    Enter an amount below (in Rands) to donate
  • Make an online donation today to Mouse-Free Marion to rid Marion Island of mice and restore this critical seabird habitat. Credit card gifts: In the U.S., donations can be made to Mouse-Free Marion through our U.S. 501c3 fiscal sponsor, Friends of BirdLife International. Please let us know that you have made a gift by forwarding your email receipt to Gifts by check: Gifts by check can be made using the form found here. Giving from your Donor-Advised Fund (U.S.) In the U.S., many of our donors support the Mouse-Free Marion project through their Donor-Advised Fund. To support us through your DAF, please contact your adviser at your DAF sponsoring organization. DAF sponsors should make checks payable to the Mouse-Free Marion project at Friends of BirdLife International. Friends of BirdLife International’s tax ID# is 30-0265343. For more information, and to let us know to anticipate a gift through your DAF, please contact our philanthropy office at Gifts of Appreciated Securities For wire instructions or to donate gifts of appreciated stocks or securities, please contact Corporations interested in supporting the Mouse-Free Marion project Please email for more information. Enter an amount below (in US $) to donate
  • US $100

    Marion Island will be the largest island from which mice have successfully been eradicated. Be a part of history, and sponsor one (or more) hectares of this beautiful oceanic gem.
    Are you a US tax payer and resident? If you are your donation will be processed by American Friends of BirdLife International, Inc. and you will receive a 501(c)(3)tax receipt.
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